We are one of the largest scientific institutes in Central Europe. Our Centre is a unique research unit in the country. We have a very rich history and, above all, a huge scientific output, mainly in fields such as physics, nuclear and plasma technologies. We conduct basic and applied research related to nuclear energy and various areas of subatomic physics. Our work is interdisciplinary and covers the following scientific fields: physics, materials engineering, automation, electronics and space technologies, environmental engineering, mining and energy, pharmaceutical sciences.


Polish high-temperature research reactor "HTGR-POLA" designed at the National Centre for Nuclear Research in Świerk
A team of experts from the National Centre for Nuclear Research, based on the experience of the MARIA research reactor operating in Świerk for 50 years and the Japanese High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR), developed a concept for the Polish research and demonstration high-temperature reactor HTGR-POLA (POLish Atomic). The project is currently at a high level of technological readiness, including the basic design with a significant part of the so-called Preliminary Safety Report (PSR) necessary for its licensing and further design work, commencement of construction and commisioning. This reactor will become the basis for commercial reactors to be used in Polish industry.